Sting (2024)

After raising an unnervingly talented spider in secret, 12-year-old Charlotte must face the facts about her pet-and fight for her family’s survival-when the once-charming creature rapidly transforms into a giant, flesh-eating monster. (IMDB)
Even though the movie is set in an old apartment complex in Brooklyn, Sting is actually an Australian movie. You can sometimes spot some discrepancies, the doorknobs are about 3 ft from the ground in the U.S., here the knobs are halfway up the doors. When showing a street view, the cars are parked on the “wrong side” of the streets compared to the U.S.
The movie lets itself watch. However, even if I’m not exactly a fan of spiders (it’s getting better with the age), Sting didn’t really manage to make me feel uncomfortable, not the way the 90s cult movie Arachnophobia did in its time. It’s probably due to the fact that the movie doesn’t capitalise on the spider being a small and hairy creeper but, instead, a monster.
Even if it isn’t as terrifying as I anticipated, Sting isn’t a bad movie, it’s fast paced enough to keep you entertained and it has a few good moments.