Welcome to the first edition of our weekly report, a serie of weekly posts narrating our adventures in Azeroth.
Nobelgarden edition
This week, we’ve been catching back on the main quest lines of Battle for Azeroth, we both completed the war campaign and the pride of Kul Tiras.
Jaina became such a badass!Golthor blowing things up with Jaina…
We’ve also unlocked the Void Elves and the Lightforged Draenei allied races. We honestly thought that the Void Elves would be our favourite, since we’re not really fans of Draenei… Well, it didn’t turn out that way, helping T’paartos completing his trial was hillarious. That got us wondering: where is he now? Hopefully, we’ll cross him again…
Our new friend
Then, we embarked on an amazing quest: the Dwarf heritage armour. There’s no secret here, we’re Dwarfs fans. Having us helping to restore an ancient Dwarf armour with the help of the furnace master was a total hit. We’ve been talking about it almost every day as one of our favourite quest ever.
Visiting the old Ironforge was amazingSoforah in excellent companyHaving us crafting our own armour was amazing!
It was also Nobelgarden and we went back to our favourite chocolate farming spot: Goldhsire. We both collected the 500 chocolates required to purchase the new toy (the Nobelgarden Heartstone) and the 5 new spring circlets. The funny thing with Nobelgarden is that we often see it as a chore that disrupts our questing, but, when we’re transformed as rabbits running amidst the chaos that is the egg hunt, we’re enjoying it very much.
You know you’re heading to Goldshire when…250 chocolates for 5 circlets, totally worth it!250 chocolates to hearthstone in style
After completing the quest for unlocking the Nightborne allies, I kind of forgot to pick up the second quest to unlock the Highmountain Tauren. Last weekend, I’ve finally completed it. It was a short quest-chain in Highmountain that, in my humble opinion, paled in comparaison to the Nightborne quests.
During the Nightborne quest-chain you feel more involved in the politics of the Horde. You really see why they join the Horde. The quests for the Highmountain Tauren, on the other hand, seemed to be ordinary and not really politically motivated. Not that I’m into politics! It’s just the thing that I expected for unlocking allied races though.
I love the model of the HM Tauren, eventhough I’ll probably never play it. They are a little too bulky and not all transmog sets suit them very well. Let’s face it, transmog is very important! Who doesn’t love to run around with a bad-ass looking character?
When the allied races were first introduced at Blizzcon, I was unimpressed to say the least. They felt (and still feel) like a low effort attempt at creating new content. So, when we pre-purchased Battle for Azeroth, I wasn’t in a hurry to unlock those “new” races. Another reason behind my lack of enthusiasm is that the racials of the Highmountain Tauren don’t fit my herbalist druid as well as my original Tauren. So, out of curiosity, Soforah and I went to the Orgrimar embassy and started the quest to unlock the Nightborne.
The quest was more entertaining than we suspected and it felt great to be included in the politics of the Horde. I was proud of Lor’themar Theron’s attitude and I was very happy to see Thalyssar joining the Horde. After all, she was probably my favourite character in the entire Legion story.
As for the Nightborne model, I could use it to compliment my future boosted toon. But I’m still undecided about which class I’ll choose. I still have a few tests to make…