A mirror and a shirt
I’ve been busy on my road to Mythic+ dungeons lately… So busy that I didn’t do much more than going to dungeons and trying to get better gear. On that side, all is well… I manage to perform nicely until M+8 on both my Resto Druid and my Hunter. I haven’t been further, but I’d like to reach M+10 or even M+15 (one can dream, right?!). It’s all a matter of practice and confidence.

Something that I was trying to get for quiet some time was Narcissa’s Mirror. While Another Rat Problem is available sometimes once a day on my druid and my hunter, Soforah only gets it a few times a week… Strange. Anyway, I bought it last week-end and took advantage of the occasion to introduce you to my blood elf: Snory. Now, instead of one arrogant looking blondine, you get two!
Yesterday morning, I was online early enough to be alone in the Brawl’gar Arena, so I took advantage of the instant queues to use my Bag of Chipped Dice and beat as many opponents as possible.
After an hour, I was the happy owner of the Wraps of the Blood-Soaked Brawler . It’s gonna sound dirty, but I don’t think that I’ll ever take that shirt off 😉