Farewell 2024

Goodbye, 2024, you’ve been quite a ride,
But let’s be honest, we’re not teary-eyed.
The shows were bland, the movies fell flat,
And gaming? Well, let’s not dwell on that.

Too quiet, a bit of a bore,
We hoped for so much, but you gave us chores.
We’ll leave you behind without much regret,
And look to the future with hopes freshly set.

Here’s to a new year, fresh and bright,
2025, come make things right!

Farewell, 2020

2020 may have been disastrous for many people but, at least, a lot has happened, which is more than we can say about the previous decade.

From a pandemic to a mad president, I’ve never read the news as much as during this year. Ok, we’re all getting tired of Jimmy Fallon’s Trump bashing spree, the rednecks of America, the anti-maskers and the confinement but 2020 had us entertained, on a global level.

Also, we could both finally live one of our oldest dreams: spend an entire year dressed in pyjamas and I have the feeling that we’re about to make it.

What we will remember:

  • The first confinement was impressive, the second was a mess, I hope that we won’t see a third;
  • We’ve finally seen the end of Orange Is The New Black and it was awesome;
  • We’ve watched El Camino and it is the end that Breaking Bad truly deserved;
  • The new Doom was crap;
  • Animal Crossing was fun until the terraforming and custom paths;
  • We’ve seen all three seasons of Westworld and it blew our minds. Go androids!;
  • 1917 was a stunning camera job;
  • Mark Ruffalo had us replace all of our Teflon cooking pans;
  • The second season of the Mandalorian was as excellent as the first;
  • Building Lego is still a blast!;
  • The Cyber Punk hype train seems to have derailed and I’m happy that we were not in it;
  • America has lost a lot of the popularity that it had managed to build during a century of movies, will they ever get it back? It will certainly take more than Dwayne Johnson and The Avengers;
  • Home working is great but, even for the hermits that we are, it’s becoming a bit long.

Tomorrow, we’ll be celebrating the end of one of the strangest year we’ve ever known and we’re not sure whether we should be happy or afraid…

Where were you at Midnight?

While the world was raging outdoors, we were celebrating New Year’s eve at home, in our PJs. Comfortably installed in front of our computers, we were participating to the mayhem that was taking place at Orgrimmar’s auction house.

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