The War Within – 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition

Yep, we have 2 of these babies

A few days ago, it felt like Christmas… We’ve received our 20th anniversary collector’s edition of The War Within and, oh boy, we haven’t been disappointed!

The Collector’s edition in itself is the same as any other expansion, a beautiful big box with a few goodies inside, including the art book of The War Within. However, the 20th anniversary statue is absolutely gorgeous (and huge). The whole thing was very well wrapped and protected, you can see the details in the gallery below.

We’ve just been playing the entire week-end and we continue to enjoy the expansion very much. We’ve unlocked the world quests and we’ve both completed the Pathfinder achievement to unlock Steady Flight in Khaz Algar. All the zones are fantastic to explore, even if we both have a little preference for Hallowfall which is one of the most gorgeous place in the entire World of Warcraft.

The War Within Early Access

The madness before the launch

That’s what hundreds of players look like when they’re all gathered in the same room, minutes away from accessing a brand new expansion. There’s just nothing like that moment, believe me.

We played the entire starting scenario during the night of Thursday to Friday and we went on to game on Friday evening and the entire week-end. This launch was the smoothest that we’ve ever seen, there was no lag, no crash and no bug. Big kudos to Blizzard for making it happen.

It is now Sunday evening and we’ve both reached max level a few minutes ago. We’ve completed most quests (if not all) of the two first zones and all I can say is that The War Within is shaping to become one of my favourite expansions. The zones are gorgeous and there’s a great variety in the quests. The main quest line is absolutely Magni-ficent (pun intended) and I can’t wait to see more, Xal’athat is already a better protagonist than Fyrakk ever was. Delving is very well done and we had a lot of fun running each of them (some more than once).

Below is a small screenshot gallery of this week-end.

If you purchase drinks in the right order at the Kaja Cola vending machine located in The Ringing Deeps, you’ll be rewarded a 34 slots bag 😉

How can a 20 years old video game still manage to have people countdown until the next time they can log in? I don’t know, but I can’t wait to be tomorrow to continue my adventures.

The War Within Pre-Patch Event

The Lag King

We’ve been spared! The weather cooled down for a few days, very conveniently during the first week-end of the Pre-Patch Event of The War Within. I honestly thought that Augustus would be too warm to spend hours on our PCs and that we wouldn’t have the time to complete the event.

I hate it when Blizzard releases temporary content around summer. I don’t care not being in the few firsts to reach max level in a new expansion, these people always end up burned out of the game anyway. However, I do care about temporary content and I would hate to miss on something that will never come back.

Fortunately, Blizzard had tuned the event so people could farm the Residual Memories non stop and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing on Saturday. By the end of day, we had enough resource to purchase all mounts, pets and craft the new heirloom ring. By doing so, we’ve also completed enough objectives for the Trading Outpost to get the monthly reward. On Sunday, we’ve continued to farm the echoes a bit further so we could purchase the remaining pieces of the mail set appearance (which is ugly, but completitionism and all…).

The event was fun and everything went smoothly, except for Dragonblight which was laggy as hell. Soforah ended a few times without getting her reward after killing the Lich King, which can easily get frustrating.

All in all, we had fun and we’re super happy to know that we won’t miss on anything, even if summer would return with a vengeance.

Oh, and cherry on the cake, Wakyn dropped from Warden Entrix exactly one minute before I had to log out. A welcome pat on my back during this God forsaken season!