Timewalking the Black Temple

I had already checked a few times the premade tool to find a group to raid the Black Temple. Unfortunately, between the high ilvl or the “link progression”, I couldn’t find any.
I was about to give up and turn the page, when I found a group yesterday evening. It was, apparently, a few people from a guild called “Starfish” who started a raid and who were inviting people to fill the ranks… That group was awesome! Nobody whined when we wiped, we just laughed and made our way to Illidan. After a few attempts, the Betrayer was down.

While it is true that it can’t reproduce the authentic experience of raiding during Burning Crusade, it was awesome to be in a true raiding environment again. I enjoy LFR but there’s nothing like being in a real raid, with people who know each other. It even made me consider joining a relax raiding guild again, for these evenings of jokes and laughter.

Oh, by the way, if you die after you’ve helped Akama defeat his shade, you can talk to this NPC to be brought back inside of the temple and avoid a long run. Later on, he can also bring you back to the command chamber (the room before Illidan).

Black Temple is an awesome place and I was thrilled to revisit it. Here are a few screenshots I took after the raid:
I’m very happy about the new Timewalking raid and I hope that it’ll be expanded to all BC and WOTLK raids in the future.
Aha! Sardoken! Now you have been to Black Temple again, so surely you must remember now who said the quotes in my post earlier 😉
It sure sounds as if you had a great group, what a relief. How long did it take? Which boss gave you the most trouble?
I totally understand why you want to join a guild again; being together in a casual fun raid is fantastic.
Lovely screenies, thank you for sharing 🙂
Nope, still can’t see it o_O’
It took around 3 hours, nothing was really a problem, except Illidan where the people who didn’t know the tactic had to understand to get in the middle on phase 2… Other than that, it was a breeze. 🙂
Thanks for your nice comment. 😉
Well then, maybe you will join some casual raid team. My experience is that pugs will join our raid team and if we are successful and fun then they ask if they can come back next week. Next thing you know, they are there every week!
Gosh, Sardoken! Shall I feed it to you…
“You will show the proper respect!” 😉 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xskGDAMk2o 00:44) 😀
Ah ok, 3 hours is quite long too. But glad it was entertaining 🙂
Weird how I can remember some quotes easily and some other not… I’ll pay more attention on my next run, promises!
Awww, not to worry. 😀
Granted, I heard that phrase over, and over, and over again, because it was part of that mini game that was made up, so one could practice taking care of the Ghosts on Teron Gorefiend outside the game. I can still remember managing it, and then I got invited to the guild I was on trial with, hah. Good times…